Thursday, 11 February 2010


OK I feel a bit guilty using this blog for advertising but have you heard the new Ceephax Acid Crew album? It's called "United Acid Emirates" and it's the best album I've heard in literally years. Do go and check it out.
To celebrate (cash in) I have ordered a very limited vinyl repress of Breakin' Records BRK52 which is an EP of Ceephax's best tracks from his Breakin' EPs. So get it while you can from all good record stores!

Podcast 16 is on the way soon....


  1. It really is excellent. You can listen to the whole thing one time through(and then buy it) right here:

  2. To the person who posted a link to an illegal download of the Ceephax album.... please don't do that!
    I know people download stuff. Still, Andy is a friend of mine, and I try to run a record label so please don't post illegal download links here.


  3. Yeah that's a pretty wicked album he's put together. On vinyl too! Nice.

  4. Thanks for bringing this to my attention DMX Krew, I just listened to some sample and they sound amazing. The cover looks brilliant too :D. Think I'll order it soon.

    By the way, I download loaded your set called "A recent live set from November 2009 in Leipzig." And I heard some tracks from which I must know the names. Do you have time to post a tracklist?



  5. >Do you have time to post a tracklist?

    Not really!
    If it's a live set then lots of the tracks probably don't have names.

  6. Yeah it's a life set...
    I am rather displeased with your reply, but on the other hand, I understand. Thanks anyway and keep up the good work!

  7. I must agree United Acid Emirates is amazing, got my double vinyl copy a couple of weeks back and it blew me away.
